James Bucanek wrote:In the QRecall application, choose Help > QRecall Help. The QRecall help was recently rewritten in its entirety, so feedback is welcome.
I finally noticed that!
James Bucanek wrote:I'm compelled to note that you can turn timelines on and off as desired (View > Show/Hide Timelines).
Oh, I knew that; it just seemed as though leaving them off by default might be better. But it's easy to turn 'em off.
James Bucanek wrote:QRecall's goals are data integrity and efficiency, and we think there's room in the universe for both approaches.
I used Retrospect for close to 20 years before the Mac version ran off the rails. It's nice to have something sophisticated again...
James Bucanek wrote:QRecall can/will do exactly the same thing (it's called "rolling" your incremental backups). The different between QRecall and Time Machine is that in QRecall you can specify exactly the scope, frequency, and granularity of the roll. And like Time Machine, you can also make these actions conditional on the amount of free disk space available (or not). Again, you get to decide the strategy that makes sense for you.
I think I've got it: created one action to handle to backups and another to handle the rolling merges. I think I'm gonna like this!